Zines and Poetry


Poetry is an expression of the soul. It is the way we weave our reality into song and song into our experiences. Poetics are connections. They bridge the gap of the unexplainable experience by invoking all our senses and stirring our imagination. Poetry can be liberation for the self and for larger communities. This makes it an essential part of our world


Culturally and historically, zines have served as a powerful outlet for content considered to be too niche, risqué, or outside of the mainstream, in terms of more traditional/commercial forms of publication. A zine can be produced with the simplest of tools, and easily distributed low-to-the ground, outside capitalistic or potentially oppressive systems: amongst friends; in local gathering places or homes; at fests designed to celebrate them!

What is a Zine?

Zines are the frontline of independent thought without corporate or mainstream approval being necessary. They’re not just self-publishing. They and Chapbooks of prose/poetry represent accessibility in media making. They give a tool to the marginalized. They represent the power of the individual to reach communities. So much talent is behind closed doors and when you find a new zine you get to enjoy a rare gift.

I felt this way for years, and yet it never clicked that I could make my own. So I’ve begun working on zines, chapbooks, and connecting with people like you. People with ideas and beautiful lives. Every day people inspire me. Some poems will be shared here and other’s may be linked externally. I hope you enjoy

Read Zines and their Influence on Mainstream Design!