Collaborating with the Zine Squad!

Found this lovely post about a collab zine with beautiful artwork. Collaborative projects can be amazing opportunities to not only grow as a creator, but to create community.

follow the brush

When I first heard of the Zine Squad, it sounded to me like the stuff of legend: a group of artists who create one-off zines for individual fellow-artists around themes chosen especially for them. So you might imagine how thrilled I was this summer when I was invited to collaborate with the Zine Squad on an Elements zine for fellow Messian, Serena Kuma.

As you will probably know from many of my other posts, I have been loving all the incredible things I have been learning and experiencing since joining Get Messy at the start of this year. I had heard of collaborations but always felt a bit nervous about joining one. The idea is that several artists work together in one journal around a particular theme. Each artist can work on their own pages, leave backgrounds for other artists to add to, and add to other pages in…

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